In the weeks before and after the vernal equinox (around 3/21) the Sun's apparent motion among the stars brings it quickly from south to north across the celestial equator. The result is a rapid lengthening of the daylight period, and a noon sun that climbs higher in the sky each day.
The charts below were made with a year's worth of sunrise and sunset data for White Plains, NY provided by the US Naval Observatory.
On the chart above (click it for a larger view), notice that from mid February through most of April, the days lengthen by more than 2.5 minutes a day. And notice too, that the daylight period is long from late May through the the first weeks of August.
The chart below is derived from the same data, and shows the longest and shortest days as well as the earliest and latest sunrises and sunsets of the year.
If you want to play around with the data, it's here in an Excel spreadsheet.
If you want to play around with the data, it's here in an Excel spreadsheet.