Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Indian Moon Mission to Launch Late Tuesday Evening

Hi all - I know it's been some time since I've posted here - it was a busy summer and fall for me! This story was simply too good not to post, though.
Late Tuesday evening (New York time), the Indian government will launch a spacecraft headed for the Moon. You can read the article here. Among other instruments, the Chandrayaan 1 is carrying an instrument called the "Mineral Mapper" developed by NASA at Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland. This is of particular interest because Noah Petro, a 1997 Fox Lane grad, is one of the NASA scientists who worked on the project. You can read a report on the Mineral Mapper, prepared by Noah and others, here. After graduating from Bates College in Maine, Noah earned his PhD in planetary geology from Brown University where he concentrated on lunar geology.
Noah has stayed in touch with FL, and just recently joined Drew Patrick, me, and 2 other Fox Lane grad geoscientists for dinner at the national Geological Society of America meeting in Houston.

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